Package includes the following:
Pricing is based on area measured.
If the area is 7499 SF or less, the cost is $.08/sf of area measured with a $225.00 minimum. Garages (attached or detached) along with attached Patios, Porches etc. are priced at $.04/sf of area measured.
If 7500 SF or above, the cost is $.10/sf of living area measured and Garages (attached or detached) along with attached Patios, Porches etc. are priced at $.05/sf of area measured. If 10,000 SF or above, subject to bid.
Re-licensing is half the original cost with a minimum of $125.00.
We require a $100.00 deposit (per technician required for job) to confirm an appointment. Should cancellation or reschedule of your appointment become necessary, your deposit is fully refundable provided Floor Plan Graphics receives notification at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. Should your appointment be scheduled within the 48 hour window and you must later cancel or reschedule, your Appointment Confirmation deposit is non refundable.
To place an order, go to the Schedule Appointment tab on the Menu.
Requirements: FPG cannot share appointments with any construction crews (e.g.: Painters, Flooring and Tile, etc.) due to the sensitivity of our equipment. All interior walls must be finished. Due to mobility limitations, FPG cannot share appointments on Moving Days.